Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ALTERNATE DI Chapter8 Book1

This is as titled the ALT chapter 8.  I wrote it... while high, and really enjoyed the scene between Tom and Kelly.  It actually flows better with something Tom thought earlier in the truck scene, but just didn't allow for what I've got planned in Ch10.  Enjoy.  Many of you have already read this I had previously posted this as the standard Ch8 so you might go see the changes in the new one, mostly just cuts though.

Kelly was also having trouble sleeping on a couch some miles away.  Problems with no solutions on top of more problems.  It was easy to see the dark path into apathy and just not care.  Which seemed even more complicated than the one she was on.  If she were to be selfish and just not care then it left her with an even bigger question, what did she want?   She thought about that fateful day and saw the forest leaves again.  They were already disturbed now in a slight swirl ready for her to curl up in like a cat.  She drew closer in her mind slipping off to sleep.  They looked comfy and relaxing, and end.  An easy answer.  It was dark out, but a few close trees were sheltering and would provide company.  A swirl of her ghostly body filled the basin of leaves like dense fog.  

One last effort to remember something and she turned her eyes up and the darkness had taken on a new form.  It was solid, still blanketing everything but her trees and bed.  The trees started to look like bars and her heart quickened.  No more of a solid shape than her own mind and self image, she felt the dark blackness take form.  Evil and corrupted it wanted her needed her.  It asked her to do something before it would let her rest.  She knew if she did this it would let her rest.  She was so tired. 

"Kelly... Honey wake up..."


"I want to talk to you about something."

"No.. I was so..."

"It will be time to get up soon, just a chat then you can go back to sleep."

"Kelly looked up and her blurry vision cleared into Tom Chambers face."

She didn't know exactly what to think.  At first she felt an impulse to follow because he was the adult.  Then she heard Candace's voice telling her not to.  The clear feeling of the strange darkness was still in her mind.  Tom smiled down at her as she continued to come around. 

Kelly felt the darkness in Tom, but a different kind sort of Tom's own darkness with it's own purpose.  She could fight him and refuse, but that sort of felt like the dark path too but her own path to apathy letting her friend drown.  Her father had always told her the right path or the righteous path was the one she should always follow.  What could this man do?  Hurt her, humiliate her.  She could take it if she had to.  Candace could take it, but Kelly would stand up to him.  And in the end she would win and they would cart Tom off and she would finally free Candace from her dark tree prison.

"I guess, if you'll make breakfast soon."  She took Tom's hand as he helped her out of bed.  Her face red with pillow lines and pajammas wrinkled she followed  the pulling hand.

"I'm sorry to get you up so early, but I can't sleep sometimes and I was in the kitchen and heard you.  Sounded like a bad dream?"

"It was." Complacently holding his hand she followed up the stairs past Candace's room to the far end of the hall where a thin wooden set of stairs lead up. 

"It's ok don't me scared, I had a beautiful balcony built up here.  Tell me about your dream."

"I' actually could use a talk right now."

"What's on your mind Hon'?"

"How do you know the difference between right and wrong?"

"Whelp, that's a good question, one of those things everybody has to ask themselves.  It's not an easy one or even one I can answer for you, but I can help."

"And what's your advice?"  They arrived at a door above the stairs and went out into the fresh warm night air. 

"Have a seat," Tom sat across from here in a very non-threatening way.  "Sometimes you have to just pull out your magic ball and look into the future.  Think about your troubles and then ask yourself which path leads to good things and happiness, and which leads to bad things and more trouble." 

Kelly could see how the bars of Candice's prison were constructed.  "My dad used to say that normally the right path was the hard one you didn't want to go down."

"That doesn't make much sense to me!  What does your father do?"

"He was the sheriff here."

"Oh, uh well it sounds like he must have a pretty good sense about him."  Mr. Chambers played dumb he knew who her father was and that he was dead.  "But where is he now?  I heard you mention your Aunt,, but what about your him?"

"He died..."

"I'm sorry to hear that but you see life is random sometimes.  Things don't have meaning if there is some great plan or meaning to all of this why what is the point in living?  YOU have to do the best for YOU.  Maybe if your father wasn't so worried about righting other people's wrongs he would still be alive and with you."

"I don't think going down the easy path of apathy is winning though." The dream still fresh in her mind still.  She saw his eyes burn and linger for a moment in dim light. 

"History doesn't judged diplomacy and peace a tool of the losers does it?"

"That is completely different."

"You really need a father, how long has it been? All alone for you?  You miss him and need someone don't you?"

"I'm fine!"

"Yes it appears that way.  You should be happy to have Candace as a friend she can teach you alot, but there is no substitute for a good father figure."

"I think we're talking about two different things.  What you call a father I call a selfish manipulating pervert robbing his own daughter of a life she will never be able to live!"  Kelly jumped up and to door.  He was evil.  She saw how his own personal darkness shrouded the caring guise.  "I wont let you do this to her!"  Her tone of voice a little too loud for his comfort. 

She turned to run away, not thinking of where but just away.  The door handle jiggles, locked.  Kelly took a deep breath to scream as he suddenly rose, but he was on her before she can.  Pinning her by the throat against the wall.  Before her mind can cope his practiced hands got her borrowed pajama bottoms off.  Mr. Chambers reaches for her panties to find her bare.  His menacing laugh echoes in the dark night.

Kelly shocked and embarrassed gets shoved to the floor and the pj bottoms wrap around her mouth and tie behind her neck in an instant.  Her muffled whimpers and cries disappear in the open night air.  

She is shoved against the wall facing away from him.  He grabs a healthy handful of hair at the base of her neck and wrenches back breathing heavy in her ear.  "Let me show you the ways of the world little girl... This is what Candace knows, she keeps her mouth shut while I be nice and buy her things or I fucking kill her.  See honey I make more money from two days in surgery than the new piss aunt Sharif does in a year.  I'm going to make my point and your going to stay quiet or I'll have this bullshit story of yours called slander and get you in trouble with the law, then when things get quiet I'm going to have you disappeared.  Cunt's like you disappear all the time."  The adrenaline surging though his veins. 

Kelly learned what real fear was.  Grinding his teeth hissing instead of breathing she felt his spear like manhood brush across her bottom as he moved.  He mashed her head forward into the wall and wrenched one of her small breasts.  If she did go the authorities she'd defiantly have the bruises to prove it.  He slung her over to the banister and shoved her upper body out pinned at her stomach.  She could see the darkened street, if only someone was walking their dog.  He spread her legs as she scrambled to get some sort of grip on the banister.  He let go for a second and Kelly tried to scramble to correct the dangerous position over the rail.  He raked the pj top trapping her arms in the sleeves and shoved her back over.  He bent low and she felt the smooth tip of his searching cock.  her tiny slit split open with ease against the lubricated condom.  A mighty hip shove buried his cock and bounced her off his hard hips.  She was lifted off the ground and now rested between the banister and his impaling thrusts.  Kelly let out a muffled cry but it didn't seem to matter.  Pain exploded in her as he ripped though her virginity and introduced her body to sex.  He plunged into her again pushing further out off the railing.   

He held her precariously by the wrenched shirt top.  her feet dangled and her pointed toes reached for the ground blindly.  She was more over the rail and in open air only held by Tom.

He  began thrusting his hips faster and harder, violating her with strong thrusts that pinched her legs.  He was breathing like a bull.  He finished while her mind was still reeling fighting the fact that it was actually happening.  He let her fall safely back onto the balcony.  She was sobbing too heavily to do anything but curl the fetal position. 

Tom rushed down and grabbed her hair bringing her face up, Here you want some DNA evidence?"  He shoved the spent latex condom into mouth and throat.  The salty goop spurted from her lips and onto the wood soon followed by the crumpled condom.  

He walked over to the door and flipped a simple latch looking back over his shoulder.  Now you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, ok?"

Kelly started to sit up trying to cough the bitter coating out of her throat.  She knew, she was going to kill the bastard.  Tom walked out and left her calmly shutting the door.  Kelly scissor her legs wincing at the pain inside.  Getting up was worse.  She put the bottoms back on and took a few steps to the door.  It was time for her to be selfish it didn't matter what anyone else wanted, she was going to try her damndest us use her ability for something useful and kill the motherfucker.  She couldn't let Candice know.  And she limped back off to the couch to think. 

Thirty minutes later Candace jingled down the stairs to get her up.  Candace had been worried that her dad might come for her in the night.  she really wasn't up for it, and worst of all he surely find her looser. 

Candace dressed her friend the next morning in some old jeans that she had grown out of.  Kelly never let on that anything had happened last night.  It was hard for her not to space out just boiling with anger.  There was a brief encounter with her on their way out but Candace was an expert at leaving her house quickly.

She let her father use her and event enjoyed it at times, but it didn't make her life any easier.  He had made a habit lately of catching her at the worst moment when she really didn't want to be messed with.  She had been so annoyed lately and it only aroused him more.  She had to get Kelly away before he pushed the limits with her around.  It would be just like him to sneak up and take her while Kelly was around and might see.  At least she thought he know Kelly was off limits. 

Candace started to get a slippery wet feeling soaking into her panties thinking about Kelly's body.  Kelly would never do anything like her father.  She was so shy and quiet but once she opened up Kelly would just gush with this cute intelligent voice.  She knew Kelly would never be pushy or demanding.  As her own body cranked up Candace found it hard not to make Kelly uncomfortable with advances.  Their chatter on the bus was a little quieter than normal.

Candace was a little extra friendly, "What do you think we're going to do in Mrs. Francis's class?"

"I think today she is suppose to start a depth and perception chapter or something."

Candace cocked her head not really sure if that was a good or bad thing, "What's that?"

"You'll see but we'll probably just be doing shapes and outlines maybe an apple or something."

"Your  not worried are you?"

"Naw, I think I can feel it, the thing but it's more like a darkness or a dark thing with no shape.  It's hard."

"You looked worried."  Kelly looked over from watching the road roll by and saw her friends concern.

"Oh, sorry I'm just worried about what all this means.  It wants something...

Dark Incarnate - Chapter9 Book1

Dark Incarnate
By Mr. Black

Chapter 9
Be Careful What You Wish For

Class was going fine for Kelly.  The whole day she was worried and took a deep breath after every pause of her pencil and it was almost over.  She was starting to understand more about this thing.  Her mind wandered to her dream again and again.  It was the first real glimpse into the abyss of understanding this thing.

"First, you must draw the guidelines Kelly, then your shape."  Mrs. Francis loomed.  She had drawn a cylinder which demonstrated the concept perfectly, perceptively large and smaller at the farside.  "Function before form class, remember that.  It doesn't matter how much natural talent you have if you don't refine it into skill!"

Kelly rolled her eyes, maybe she should skip the class, what's the worst that could happen they'd put her in detention?   She was too busy thinking about Tom Chambers to give Mrs. Francis more than a passing thought.  He scared her worse than the monsters.  He was a monster; she closed her eyes and shivered thinking about how his hard prick had pressed against her.  No way would she be spending the night over there again!  And poor Candace, she could only imagine what hell her friend lived every day of her waking life.

Kelly's eyes wandered over Candace who sat next to her.  She had to tell someone about it, but if Candace found out she'd be furious.  She would get over it.  Candace was in her next two classes, History and Agricultural Science.  She would have to try and skip her last class, Physical Education and go see the school resource officer, Mr. Higgins.

Candace didn't notice anything out of the usual Kelly was always self absorbed, Billy; however, was extra weird this morning.  Candace was glad de knew to keep his mouth shut in front of people.  Nobody knew they were friends at least.  It didn't matter what happened over the weekend.  She felt a blush of anger.  He had been sending them little glances all morning, and mostly at Kelly.  He was wearing clean clothes today, but his smell and greasy hair were back.  For all of Candace's bravado and public stature she still felt threatened by him.

She didn't know what had happened, she had started to get the webcam installed then suddenly she was on the floor being used.  It felt like her father had hit her at first.  But coming out of the blackness to see Billy?  That was bad.

Candace looked up to hear Mrs. Francis' comment about Kelly, and cut her eyes at Billy.  He of course was staring at Kelly, and being notice he instantly shrank like a cowering dog.

Kelly took a huge sigh of relief as the class bell rang.  She had gotten through the day.  Normally she doodled throughout the day, but since this thing had gotten her she didn’t dare.  She wondered if she could try again.  Class was terrible with nothing else to do but listen. 

"Alright, finish these for homework tonight."  Mrs. Francis turned from Kelly's desk and went back to her chair.  Candace packed up fast and waited at the door for her friend.

Billy had already shrunk out of the class somehow.  He wanted to talk to Kelly, but both of the girls were acting weird.  He had PE class next.  He'd always had bad luck.  The poor kids who have PE first or second period always had it worst.  Most of the kids in his class didn't participate because they didn't want to get all sweaty.  He enjoyed PE; some of the stuff they did was really fun.  The big parachute in Elementary School was his favorite, but they didn't do that anymore.  It was all dodge ball or baseball, and basketball; basketball was the worst, he loved it but played too hard.  He read at the beginning of school that archery would be tossed in somewhere this year and he couldn't wait.  PE was the only place he really felt accepted in school.  Sure some of the same kids made fun of him, but it was the only place his natural odor seemed to blend in.  And if he got too sweaty, so what!  Not to mention sometimes the other kids forgot who he was and playing with him.

PE was all, show-off's, the not-wanna-be-there's, and the fat kids.  Billy wasn't really fat, just big boned, but he fit in with the fatties.  He wondered if they enjoyed PE for the same reasons.  The show-offs were usually the sports kids; they never really applied themselves because they had practice and real sports to worry about.  Most of them were freshmen, and just as new to the whole idea as he was, but they were DICKS!  They didn't care to be half naked in the locker room and spraying cologne and deodorant after half-assing all day.  The stuff smelled horrible to him.  The thick smell and alcohol made his nose, mouth, and eyes burn.  All that crap and it didn't matter either they'd still smell just as bad as he did in the next class but the girls didn't mind them.  They said theirs was a manly smell, while he was just disgusting.

He jogged across the open basketball court to the lockers just as the late bell rang.  Many of the other kids were already seated on the bleachers.  Billy dressed slowly with this eyes glazed over thinking about Candace.  After he had fought that horrible Bee into the cage he found Candace alone and passed out on the floor.  He was scared to death when he first saw her, and his heart had nearly stopped.  Kelly made it sound like she had just passed out as she ran for the phone.  Then he noticed the soft curve of her naked butt in the open air and thought again about being all alone with her. 

He started to get a hardon at the memory, and nothing was worse than pitching a tent in gym shorts.  He had a good day despite the other kids; of course he didn't think it was possible to have bad days after last weekend.  He would sometimes try to hurry after PE and see Kelly between classes.  Not that they spoke but he like to watch her.  He usually just wanted to get out of the smelly locker rooms as quickly as possible.

He tried to catch Kelly alone but Candace was there and gave him an evil scowl.  He knew what it meant: fuck off.  He lowered his gaze and shrunk into the shadows and made his way to his next class.  3rd period he was met with the same evil scowl.  He managed to get out of 4th a little early and stood near the gym.  Candace's last class was at the other side of the school and this was his last chance.  If only he could stay at her house again.  But she never came out of the locker room.  His stomach turned with worry.  Maybe she wised up and told an adult, or maybe someone found out.

Kelly left the school resource officer's office infuriated.  She hadn't passed the point of no return because she didn't name any names.  Her hypothetical friend would have to come forward; Kelly's word alone wasn't enough for an arrest.  Mr. Higgins, the balding and very round police officer knew Kelly's parents and had no clue who the girl might be referring to.  His hands were tied unless he had probable cause.  He explained he would investigate if she would let him, but couldn't arrest or hold without hard evidence.

Kelly waited for Candace outside her last class as the last bell rang.  Candace scanned the shadows expecting to see Billy hiding in the corner somewhere still following Kelly.

"So, I doubt my Dad will let me come over for a day or two."

"I wish you would tell him to go screw himself and come over anyway."  Kelly didn't hear the pun until it came out.  "I.. I'm sorry, I didn't.."

"You're fine, and he's just worried we'll get into trouble, he's really a good guy deep down."

"I'll bet...," Kelly felt her face flush red as her blood pressure rose.

"Really, I'm more worried about you."  The girls sat down on a bench at the car-rider pickup.

"I'll be fine."  Kelly’s voice wavered; she couldn't help but remember the monsters in her apartment.

Candace raised an eyebrow, "Really?  You don't sound very sure.  I hate to say it, but maybe you should get Billy to go in with you.  Just for a minute.  I can't help but feel he's... wrong somehow.  I don’t like how he hangs on your every word, but I really don’t like the idea of you being home alone.”

Kelly giggled, "Wrong?  I think we all know something's wrong with him, but.."

"I'm serious, he's more than just a few bricks shy of a load, something is really wrong with that kid, and I don't want you to be the one to find out what."

"He's just misguided, alone, and misunderstood."

"We'll talk later, I see my dad.  Promise me you won't trust him, ok?"

"So do you think our little tripod of dysfunction might need to contact an adult about our... experiment yet?"  Candace returned yet another annoyed raised eyebrow.

Tom's five series BMW pulled up with the passenger window down so he could wave and say, "Hi, Kelly."  Kelly smiled with a sarcastic grimace and retuned a tiny wave.
Candace turned as she got in and said, "Just call me later, ok."  The window started up before she even shut the door and the mobile prison cell drove off with its captive.

"SHIT," Billy looked up from his watch; his bus should be leaving any second now.  He had to ride a different bus in the afternoon and it left pretty quick.  Going back home would be bad, his dad would probably give him a whoppin, but crashing Kelly's house might be worse if Candace was there.   His discolored sneakers gave a tiny squeak as he pivoted to run.  His hands paddled and scoped air as he ran with everything his heart had.  These girls would be the death of him.  The halls were quiet, students dispersed, and the teachers fatigued from yelling at kids, so he made good time.  Moving fast he had to slap the block wall to make the last turn into the cafeteria, he was almost there.  It was a straight shot out, but the janitor had just begun mopping the tile floor.  Billy slammed into the mop bucket and went flying.   He had slid under three rows of tables and lay frozen like a bug in a trap of tangled chairs and soap suds.

"Billy?  What the heck is wrong with you?"  Kelly smiled and giggled.  She was on her way out the double doors to the bus lot and paused in awe of the disaster.  

Billy didn't hear her.  Only the sound air breaks and diesel engines filled the room as the first line of busses let out.  He relaxed and stared up at the ceiling feeling the mop water soak into his clothes and hair.  He closed his eyes and let out a sigh.  The gig was up.


Billy opened his eyes and saw Kelly looking down at him with a smile and outstretched hand.  He didn't ask how or why, or from where, he just took it and didn't let go as they ran out hand in hand laughing together.

Kelly got her hand back and they ran up the bus steps.  It was almost full, but seeing Billy the first half-seat cleared out real quick.  He sat down with a squish and Kelly joined him although she kept her distance. 

"Quit laughing!"  Billy felt lemon scented water dripping down his neck and into his shoes.  "I was trying to make my bus by the way."

"I guessed as much."  She covered her giggles with a hand.

"If you and Candace hadn't been so weird all day I would’ve been fine."

"She's... going though some stuff right now, just cut her some slack."

"Cut her some slack?  She looks like she wants to cut me up!  And what could be more important than what is at your place? Ya, know I still say..."

"Yeah, yeah go to an adult."  Kelly rolled her eyes; she couldn't tell him why that wasn't an option anymore.   

"Well what's your plan today?  Go upstairs with tongs and a grill lighter again?"

"Something like that.  And give Candace a little credit ok, she's the one who suggested I bring you along today."

"I will as soon as she give's ME a little credit!"

"We have to stick together, alright?" Kelly’s brow furrowed, so far their little tripod of friends was the only thing keeping her going.

"Fine, but seriously though, what's the plan when we get to your place?  Assuming it's not crawling with men in white space suits."  He looked out the window, it was a different route from the morning bus, but he knew they were getting close.  "At least our troubles would be over."

"Maybe for you..."

"I'm sorry.. I jus-"

"Whatever lemon head, this is our stop."

Billy stood and cringed at the soapy squish in his sneakers.  He stood and shuffled off the bus.  The old brown seat kept his wet impression and was still damp the next morning.  Mr. Cooke the driver worried it would be stained and it took nearly two days for the seat to forget the foul memory of Billy Mason.

They bumped down the bus stairs and onto the hot pavement of the parking lot.  The memory of Tom's truck was still strong in Kelly's mind.  Billy, however only wanted to hold her hand again, totally unaware of her true feelings and worries.

"Let me go in first and have a look around."

With everything on her mind Kelly was happy to hand over the key and wait patiently at the door.  She couldn't help but feel sorry for him; he looked miserable and smelled worse.  The lemon was bad and in the scorching hot sun she couldn’t imagine how he felt.  It wasn't an appetizing or sweet smell, but a much more caustic smell that made her nose burn.  It probably wasn't healthy for him either.

He called down and gave the all clear moments later and also said he would be in the shower.  "Couldn't hurt." she mumbled.  He'd probably taken more showers in the past few days than in the previous month.  It didn't bother her at all.  She mounted the stairs and picked up his clothes which he set neatly outside the bathroom door.   He had also chosen to leave the door ajar.

"Hollar if you need anything." Billy called out seeing her shadow

"I'm sure I can manage," She rolled her eyes and pulled the door to.  His clothes were twice as heavy.  How could he have possibly soaked up that much?  She looked down the hall to the makeshift lab and tossed his clothes in the wash.  The lab seemed so far away.  Candace was at the forefront of her mind.  Her minds eye saw the car pulling away again.  Tom was evil.  Somehow he had managed to twist Candace's mind so she didn't even see it.  Brainwashed.  She started into the lab and looked at the cages and creatures.  The evil was connected somehow.  She had clearly felt the same darkness and intent.  None of it made any sense, but somehow it did.

Kelly sat in the rolly chair, and looked at the bee.  He cowered in the center of the dog crate vibrating ever so slightly and staring at her with big reflective eyes.  She bent and picked up a broken piece of wing membrane.  It was real alright, a true part of this world just like Tom.  But somehow not.  Civilized humanity banded together to banish people like Tom.  He couldn't have been born like this, much as this creature wasn't born into the world via nature.  The darkness had taken Tom somewhere in his life, and the same pure unadulterated darkness had birthed this creature.  She hadn't done it, that at least she knew.  She locked her eyes with the bee trying to understand its motives and purpose. 

It listed heavily to one side from the two broken legs Billy gave it.  It's wings were hopelessly torn and ripped.  It would never fly again.  One black antennae hung loosely and ready to fall, but it didn't care.  It just returning a blank still stare, still sure of itself; confident in it's mysterious purpose.

"Hey, Kelly?  Could I get some clothes?"  Billy called out like a baby in the night waking her from deep thoughts.

She shook herself free from the black eyes, "Yeah... just a second."

In her room Kelly expected to find a pile of clothes he washed on her bed or tossed back in the bins, but found it clean.  She checked the laundry bins and found them empty as well.  "What did you... or where did you put them?"

Billy opened the door just a bit to peek out, "There's a folded stack just inside your closet."  The foggy mirror reflected his nude figure with a very compromising boner waving about as he moved.

She didn't like that he had folded her clothes but when she saw only a few odds and ends on the floor she was infuriated.  He must have put the rest up.  The idea of Billy... Billy Mason handling her panties and rifling though her drawers instantly flushed her beet red.  Candace might be brainwashed but she was still right about Billy.  She stomped out and flung her some clothes at the bathroom where Billy ducked for safety.

"What the hell?"

"You went through my things!?"

"I.. I just... you've been so worried and stressed out I wanted to help."

"You know better Billy!  Now, you better think of a way home because when your clothes are done you're outta here!"

"Look, I'm sorry I just wanted to help."

"I SHOULDN'T have to explain to you Billy, how or why to RESPECT MY PRIVACY!!!"  on the last word she slammed the door to her room and locked herself inside.

She ripped a dresser drawer open and found her clothes carefully folded.  Drawer after drawer she found the same thing.  Even things he hadn't washed, he folded.  The last straw came with her underwear drawer.  Not only was everything neatly folded and stacked with obvious painstaking care, the corners of her panties were folded behind the gusset accentuating a cute design that was usually on the front.

Kelly started throwing everything in the floor.  She couldn't look at it any longer; it was just too creepy.  Angry to the point of tears, she collapsed on the bed wondering if he had slept in it or on the couch like he was suppose to.

Billy changed and came out slowly wondering what was next.  She hadn't started the wash because he was in the shower.  He couldn't tell how serious she was.  She sounded more hurt than angry.  The washing machine started to fill.  By his estimates he had to cool things off before his clothes got done and she kicked him out for good.

He pleaded through her bedroom door for a few minutes and with no response decided to leave her alone and go note any changes in the lab.

It didn't take long for his mind to wonder.  He was in Kelly's house again.  Surely she couldn't be serious and make him walk home.  He inevitably starting thinking about tonight, if he played his cards right would she let him sleep in the same bed with her?  In a glazed trance he started to masturbate.  Things were so much better here.  His penis felt great, strong and ridged but soft and receptive of his strokes.  He pushed himself to the edge not wanting to spoil any later fun, he slowed and rested his hand around the base.  He actually liked the sight of his own penis.  The head was strained tight like a purple apple wearing uncircumcised skin like a turtleneck sweater.  If only Kelly could appreciate him... He paused to go put the clothes in the dryer.

Calling out to Kelly again, he got no more response than the first time.  Maybe she was serious!  We went back to the lab and pulled up mapquest.  The roads he knew were quite a ways to walk; maybe he could cut a few corners in the surrounding woods.  He pulled up her house and, bingo!  Across the small creek in her back yard was a small patch of woods and just beyond that was the old train track.  If it wasn't too far it would give him a way home, but more importantly a way back if she needed him.  His hormone addled mind was overcome my mixed emotions.  Consumed with guilt and self loathing and worry for her safety alone on top of passionate love he didn’t know what to do.  She was so easy to love, and she didn't even know it.  He closed his eyes inhaled the scent of her home and remembered her covering he mouth when she giggled earlier.  Her cute dimples and brown hair lit up his world like the sun above...

Maybe he should write that down in poem and slip it under her door?  But his hand was around his throbbing manhood again.  Still trying to control himself but too close and overcome with desire he squeezed the base to make it angry and bobbed his hand to watch the skin rise and fall.  If only it was buried deep in her body...  it was too much and he passed the point of no return by accident.  His testicles welled just short of a spasm.  He screwed up again, but at the same time it felt great!  No tissues or even a waste basket, but in front of him was the water filled fish tank.  It was sort of his job anyway, he jumped up a second too late and the first string blurted from the taunt eye against the glass.  It stuck and slowly started to slime its way down.  The rest he pumped into the water leaving tiny ripples.

"She'll be mad I wasted it on the water, there's nothing in there.  Why am I so stupid...?"  The white glob was still running down the glass and Billy grabbed a scrap sheet of paper and scraped it off and shook it into the water.  No ripples this time like the surface had turned to Jell-O.  "Odd..."   

The dryer buzzer rang.  Kelly stuck her head out of the door to yell, "Get your stuff and just go Billy," and she slammed the door shut again.  He tried pleading one more time, but it all fell on deaf ears.  It hurt so bad, he was more embarrassed and angry at himself than ever before.  He changed and slunk out the sliding glass doors, across the creek, and to the railroad tracks which he would follow home.  He started walking with a heavy heart, hoping it was the right direction.

Kelly watched him mope across her back yard wondering what the heck he was doing.  She ran downstairs and locked the doors.  He wouldn't be coming back tonight if that was his plan.

Her apartment was quiet again.  It had been too long since she'd been able to relax in the quiet.  Most people get creped out and prefer to have a TV or radio blabbering away but not Kelly.  She flopped down on the couch, eyes still inflamed from crying.

A silly thought popped into her head.  Back in elementary school a drama teacher tried to teach the kids a little rhyme to help annunciation.  All was lost on the children.  But Kelly still found it amusing, "What to do to die today, at a minute or two till two, a thing distinctly hard to say but harder still to do."  She started to giggle again just happy to be alone as the silly teachers face wafted in and out of her memory, "whether the weather is good, or whether the weather is bad... we'll be together no matter the weather whether we like it or not."  Sobering thought, but she was alone again and preferred it that way.

Into the kitchen reminded of yet another sobering fact: she needed groceries.  With all the excitement calling her Aunt to go shopping had been out of the question.  It seemed unavoidable, but not tonight.  Just one quiet night.  She wouldn't get much quiet if her stomach didn't stop growling however. 

She rifled through the cupboards and fridge.  Amazing how you can have so much stuff, but no food.  Finally she pulled a pack of bacon out of the freezer and tossed it in the sink to thaw.

Worried about Candace she picked up the phone and dialed.  No answer, only the machine.  No news was supposed to be good news but this felt bad.  Frustrated with literally everything she went back upstairs with an exasperated, "Humph."  

She never wanted to see that neatly folded perversion again but her clothes couldn't stay on the floor so she stared to stuff them back in the drawers in a familiar jumble.  She slid out of her clothes but unwilling to wear anything Billy had touched, his fingerprints were still too fresh.  She pulled the old smiley shirt out of her bag.  It covered her nudity like a night gown.

She didn't want to go without underwear and picked up a blue pair with a unicorn prancing across a rainbow printed on the front.  Stepping into them she noticed the gusset had a creamy stain, as many of her panties did; it was just part of being a girl.  Some were worse than others, and a few had to be tossed out when she got surprised by her period.  Billy had held this very pair and all the others too; she dropped them like a snake and stormed off back to the kitchen.  The whole idea turned her stomach, not that there was much in there to turn at the moment.

That at least, she hoped to fix.  Another annoyed puff, the bacon was still frozen.  She really wanted Candace right now.  Perhaps that’s what it meant to be together with someone, to miss them and wish for them to be there when you need a pat on the back.  Running a sink of hot water she tossed the bacon in to speed thaw.  She thought about the bee again, maybe she should pay him a visit and try to finish her previously interrupted thoughts.  She felt she could almost communicate with it, given the sufficient concentration.  Maybe communicate wasn't the right word, listen rather.  Any clue as to why all this was happening to her would nice.

Her parent’s room, the studio, and finally the lab was always a few degrees colder than the rest of the place.  It was slightly chilly on her bare legs and feet.  The laptop was on the desk but the equipment was still overturned from Candace's incident, leaving the top mostly bare.  she leaned against the desk half sitting.  The leather rolly chair would no doubt give her a chill if she sat in it.

The two locked eyes again.  Searching her feelings and asking in her mind did nothing, Kelly squinted her eyes, "What do you want?" she finally said aloud.  The Bee finally moved, and hobbled over to the edge of the dog crate and pressed the tip of his abdomen out of a wire square.  She had been startled by the sudden movement, but equally hopeful for an answer.

"Yeah, right buddy..."  She turned to go get the .22 this thing was useless.

As if understand her intent it's bashed and broken wings fluttered giving Kelly a shiver at the harsh painful sound.  But she turned and saw the tiny thin little pink probing tube.  Maybe it was an answer of sorts.  The faint memory or feeling rather that something was done to Candace came back.

She turned back, and plopped down in the chair with a shiver soaking up the cold into her bare thighs.  The blank folder was one of the few icons and then the unnamed document which could have only been made by Billy.  She hoped it wasn't some sort of dying love nonsense, but it was his list of events.  He'd done a pretty good job, maybe they would have to all sit down and finish it.  Assuming of course she forgave him.

-4:30pm Sunday,  Candace screams in the lab.  Kelly got there first, but froze.  Likely out of fear but she believes something else may have been at work.  I arrived from downstairs immediately and bravely tackled and fought the insectoid bee into the dog crate.  Not exactly sure how it escaped from the 50 gallon fish tank with latches.  Candace had been face down with the creature attached to her... ... ...

Billy recorded he got there too fast for something to have happened, but she just felt something else transpired.  But what?  Obviously not what happened with the paper... thing, there was no mess, white or black.

Kelly stood and carefully approached the crate.  There was one way to find out.  The pointy tip was still pressed through the metal cage.  "You better not sting me you bastard."  Kelly crouched low on the balls of her feet ready to spring and run, keeping her distance and reached out a hand to touch the pink prehensile protrusion.  The open air kissed her privates but she felt safe enough.  

As she closed her hands around the thin member the bee started to hum rattling its broken wings, but it produced an incredible vibration in her hand.  It was slimy and easily coated her palm with slick lubricant allowing it to piston amazingly fast.  The prehensile tip curved and searched blindly upon exiting her grip.  It was warm too, how did the creature keep this temperature?  She should be recording this, but the thought of being seen doing this killed her worse than Billy in her undies drawer.

Kelly tightened her grip.  That seemed to be a trigger.  The thin organ slowed and started to grow thick, fat.  The tip went from pointy to flat, flared out with an obvious eye in the center.  It hummed and pummeled through her hand like mad, poor Candace she thought.  It grew even more, sprouting thick veins and rough texture.  Kelly's hand started to go numb like holding a power tool.  Finally it shoved a few extra inches out into the open air and she felt a bulge coming from the base.  This was it.  Kelly let got and fell back onto her hands to get away from whatever was about to happen.

A tiny splurt of clear liquid and a pink fleshy globule burst out and flew halfway across the room.  Kelly had seen those angry veins flared tip before, when Billy tackled the bee off Candace the head had been so large it tugged Candace's body as it pulled free.   

She jumped up scared, what had come out of it though?  A shiny black slick was on the back of the leather chair and on the floor was a small pink worm covered with tiny nodules.  Kelly almost got sick, but instead she brought her barefoot crashing down on it.  A rubbery elastic bounce before its skin finally burst and she felt the warm satisfaction of the things blood sinking into the carpet.

That connection flashed the same she had felt it before.  Last time she was sure the darkness or the dark intent cried out in ecstasy, that's how she knew something was wrong.  This time, like a blink of a light, but not of visible light, just a feeling she felt it flash anger...  She had to get Candace on the phone! 

"This apartment's never going to be the same." She mumbled hopping around on one foot like she'd stepped in dog poo.

She grabbed the chair to steady herself, but it spun nearly toppling her but her hand caught the water tank and saved her.  The flimsy lid buckled and broke from her desperate grab but she stabled herself.  The water level was high and her fingers dipped below the surface.  She froze and slowly turned to look at her fingers.  The water was cold and wet, but she felt something else, a vacuum.  Her pulse quickend at the soft suckling of her fingertips.

There was no fish, the paper fish had disappeared, but her fingers still felt in the mouth of some suckling thing.  Kelly stopped the flailing dance, her foot didn't matter any more.  Slowly she lifted her left hand watching in awe as the water stayed on the tips.  Small tubes of water like mini waterspouts rose and followed her fingers never ceasing the suckle.  Her heart stopped, what new devilry was this?

Her hand pulled higher into the air, and still the waterspouts persisted.  Pointer finger, birdie finger, and ring finger three vortexes defying gravity and every other law of physics and rationale.  Her mind almost broke.  She snapped out of the trance and remembered to breathe.  Seeing the strange sight resembled something she'd only seen in videos of zero gravity; globules of water squeezed from a pouch floating through air to be gobbled by an astronaut.  At least she could breathe, which meant she was on earth and this was much more than water.

Jerking her hand away three long tentacles streamed across the room like whips, never losing the connection between the tank and her.  Kelly’s eyes went huge disbelieving and her body began to tremble.  The long streams sank to the floor, she could feel their lengthy weight pulling at her finger joints.  Flowing, like through a siphon, water emptied out of the tank and collected on the floor.  It was unbelievable she must have dipped into a dream or maybe the stuff squished on her foot was a hallucinogenic poison.

The last of the tanks water rushed out with increasing speed. The three lines emptied from the tank collapsed to the growing puddle on the floor and touched the toes on her left foot.  Startled by the cool touch she stepped back pulling another string of water with her foot.

Kelly's chest hammered like a caught mouse.  Violently she slung the strands on her fingers against the desk trying to get it off, knocking the computer to the floor again, but they never broke.  The water squished and contorted like jell-o but reformed back into the same lines that connected her and the larger mass.

She turned to run the lines connected with the rest of her foot, and the upper three slapped against her arm.  The sucking was stronger with the better connection.  More surface area drew more water up into thicker lines.  Kelly listed heavily to her left side nearly falling from the sudden change.  Eight pounds to the gallon and thick ropes of three or four gallons pulled at her arm and foot.  Frantic and scared she threw her arm with all her might trying to dislodge its grip.  Almost all twenty gallons flew up into the air like a wild streamer and bounced off the ceiling.  It jerked her footing out from under her.  Had it not been for the heavy connection on her arm she would have fallen, but the mass jerked her forward and she fell in a different way.  She caught on all fours like a cat, but the water enveloped her entire left arm, shoulder, and most of her lower leg.  One hundred and sixty pounds of water suckled and pulled on her body.  She couldn't stand, and she was barely able to hold herself up on fours.  Slowly the water began to drain off and pouring down her arm and pooling on the floor spreading to her other hand. 

Tiny mewling cries and whimpers for help escaped her, but she knew no one was there.  Tears filled her eyes and her face scrunched into a tiny red ball of hopeless crying.  The billowing shirt had been sucked up by the water as if by a vacuum, the dry part was pulled tight against her offering no comfort or safety.  But what could offer safety?  Even if she had the phone in hand and called the emergency services what could they do?  

Tears streamed from her eyes and Kelly could barely see, but she felt the cold water touch the inside of her right hand.  She jerked it away but another string slung out and pulled her supporting hand with it.  She crashed into the puddle.  Cold and forceful sucking pulled along her collarbone and chest testing her skins elasticity.  More had spread to her other leg that rested on the floor.  Tendons strained on her thin neck as Kelly struggled to push up but it was just too heavy.  Lucky none was on her face, she knew she'd drown.

The water only stuck to her, the floor and surroundings were totally dry.  She shoved up again pushing forward trying for the door, but only moved a few inches.    She stopped moving, it was the only answer.  And she was able to slowly maneuver her hands under her again.  Muscles trembled with fatigue, as another tremor of crying shook her.   Internal waves of water ran along her skin massaging and mauling her small breasts.     

Her long brown hair was caught and pulled her head wrenching back in a painful cry.  It was lucky though, she was forced to see the opened door right in front of her.  The water blob ran up her hair and flooded across her back and neck.  It didn't go above her neckline, whether this was luck or betrayed some intelligence Kelly didn't know.  Arms, shoulders, chest, legs, and feet engulfed only her head and butt, which waved above the danger on weak knees, stayed dry.

She tried to calm herself.  Breathing slow and concentrated, crying wouldn't help.  As she stopped struggling things stopped getting worse, but that was of little comfort.  Her red puffy eyes darted around scanning the room hoping for a lifeline, some answer.  She found none.  Only one thought came to mind and it wasn't a very good one.  It would either drown her or wash the thing away.  If she could get to the shower, maybe fresh water would weaken its hold, dilute the evil with a constant flow.  It was a long shot but she had to try.

Kelly's wrecked face winced at a new pain as her nipples were pinched and pulled.  Did it know what she was thinking?

She managed up onto her elbows but not far, it was so heavy.  With her head low and butt still waving she took tiny steps with her knees and elbows slowly moving to the door.  The water jostled and waved at her movement as if she were carrying it in a bucket.  It washed against her chin and ears but didn't stick.  At least that was good, maybe she wouldn't die after all.  

Rounding the doorframe was more difficult every ounce of energy and moment she put into moving the water used to try and throw her over.  Pausing mid turn proved disastrous, she had got too forward momentum.  She could see the bathroom door at the end of the small hallway when the water swung hard and she started to lose balance.  Like a large strong tree falling, she slowly toppled over.   Angry violent water splashed and waves raced across the floor and against the wall, but like a rubber-band rushed back at Kelly's curled and defenseless body.

Nothing could have prepared her.  People talk of falling through thin ice into a frozen lake. They say the water attacks you like a thousand needles, this assailed her with similar ferocity.  The driving momentum didn't just hit her it drove into her.  As if electrified Kelly went stiff then shrunk back into a fetal ball, but nothing slowed the assault.  Her sensitive places were toyed with and pried open and coldness drove into her body.  Lubrication was not an issue and it filled her as fast as her orifices would let it.

Kelly lost control, a primitive side took over she flopped wildly crawling, running, and swimming at once toward the bathroom.  Water forced itself into her virginal cavity and easily invaded her womb, but that wasn't all.  Her tight anus was sucked puckered open then forced into by a cold stream, first small but soon flooding her belly as if from a water hose.  She kicked and pushed struggling for traction, driven with pure adrenal strength.  The hundred and sixty pounds of water sloshed around holding its captive and continued to thwart her escape with its relentless assault.  When she jumped and scrambled forward the blob pulled back like an anchor giving her cramping body a minor reprieve, but it slammed back again with doubled efforts like her orifices were a strong center of gravity.  

Kelly defied her own ability and stood, lunging for the bathroom door.  She felt the water pull away and drain; it released her upper body and arms allowing her breasts to bounce free and rest.  She had left most of it on the floor, but thick strings clung tight to her hips and legs.  Clutching the doorframe like a buoy in rough seas, her body gave a violent push expelling much of the demon, but the victory was short lived.  The clear amorphous blob rebounded.  It hit her so hard her feet were lifted up off the ground and sent her crashing face down into the bathroom floor.  Her womb stretched from the force and three quarts of cold evil drove into her intestines leaving her gasping and bloated.  The bathtub was her only hope.

One arm, then a second slapped over the lip of the tub.  Kelly snaked her rounded stomach over the rim pulling attached blob crashing down into the tub with her.  Another strong autonomous push rocked her body, followed by an equal shove back.  She strummed the dials and watched the first spit of water ripple off the blob as if it were plastic.  They weren't joining forces.  The showerhead pelted the thing with streaming beads of pure, real, water.  Kelly felt its cry.  She was winning.  Slowly the thin membrane that held the water weakened and melted finally dissolving and the giant balloon drained.  Her rounded stomach which held nearly a gallon of water was allowed to let go.

Kelly, finally able to rest laid her head back feeling the sweet bliss of the being emptied.

This Is a Work of Fiction
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

--INDEX-- to all current stories in order

update 12/19/2024 It's my full intention to update these stories and post current content. It might take a few days but... hold onto your shorts!

A bit of bad news... I wont be working 3rd anymore and wont have the excess time to write.  I'm sure I'll still work on them but don't hold your breath for updates for a while.   But here's another story I enjoyed.  I might add stories I read and like from time to time. "old news"

Still alive five years later!  (even older, gosh can't believe this is still up and running after all these years)
Here's a totally new one "Nutria"  no hints or tags

A few quick points

-Some of this is older and some newer.  I've been trying to make editing changes, but I'm still embarrassed at muh shitty grammar!
-I don't want to post these as "official" stories yet; it really is a blog post.  I'll post a FINAL index after I'm done editing stuff where I will gladly welcome people to add the text of my stories to collection sites or where ever as long as credit is given.

-I don't like tags.  I feel they subtract from a quality story.  But how do you know you're reading a story you will like?  I write Non-consensual  with a good dash of beastiality, (yes I know it's 'bestiality', but I prefer 'beastiality' for fiction.) and formicophilia, along with a backbone of monsters and creepy crawlies in Sci-fi Horror.  I always try to toss in other aspects like Politics in "Murlocs", Ecology and String theory in "The Mist", and Dimensionality in "Dark Incarnate".

-Things you WONT find in my stories: Futa/Futanari, fetishistic gore or necrophilia, gay, lactation, big breasts, scat, etc
-Things you WILL find in my stories:  REALISM (at least I try), tasteful eroticism, Plot revolving around a basic struggle (not just mindless porn)

Dark Incarnate is my big story.  All of my stories are this big in my mind lol.  This one starts kinda slow and covers a variety of fetishes, but the whole story was written for the climax in chapter 11.  It's long and slow paced at times, amateur, and juvenile, but I think it's one of the best alternative erotica stories out there (I might be biased of course).  I wish I could post some tags but there are too many, and I don't want to spoil it.

Dark Incarnate Book 1:  A story of a girl with a special gift.  Kelly Evans is able create spectacular works of art with ease.  Her parents die in an accident on their way to her art exhibit, and she blames herself.  Through self loathing and sadness she attracts a Dark spirit that links to her and incarnates itself though her artwork.  She teams up with some unlikely new friends to learn the true nature of darkness.

I've been adding images that are kinda neat.  I've found them across the net, none of them are mine.

BOOK 1, FINALLY FINISHED.  It's my first finished story!!!  As you can see it leaves off at a bit of a cliff hanger but it's the best place to end the first book.  The second will be a loose storyline surrounded by alternate endings and battles.  If I had the art skill this would make a killer hentai.

Ch1 B1 - A New Dawn  (Final)

Ch2 B1 - Warm Beginnings (Final)

Ch3 B1 - Hard Earned Lessons (Final)

Ch4 B1 - Drawing of the Three (Final)

Ch5 B1 - Billied (Final)

Ch6 B1 - Full Steam Ahead (Final)

Ch7 B1 - Train Wreck (Final)

Ch8 B1 - A Dream Within a Dream (Final)

Ch9 B1 - Be Careful What You Wish For (Final)

Ch10 B1 - The Jig is Up (Final)

Ch11 B1 - Kelly's Fall from Grace (Final)

Ch12 B1 - Out of the Pan and Into the Fire (Final)

Ch13 B1 - Consummate (Final)

Ch14 B1 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold - (Final-ish)

Book 2 is all rough and so far non-erotic just because I haven't gotten to that far yet.  I prefer to have good story going first, but I think it will be better than the first once I get going.  Very slow pace because bleh.. but I'm trying to stay focused.

Ch1 B2 - Day One  (draft)

Ch2 B2 - Nargles (draft)

Ch3 B2 - Manitou (draft)

Ch4 B2 -  Wendigo (draft)

(Alternate DI Ch8 B1, I wrote it and had to change to allow for later events, but I still liked it so much I couldn't delete it.)  Actually with how Book 2 is shaping up I might add this and other alternates as part of the story.

Mr.Black's The Mist (SK fanfic)
Raina's dad is a big general at a secret military research installation (string theroy research).  They created a window to another world.  Unique tags:  Beastiality, parasites,




Beach Trip
A recent graduate goes on a long overdue family vacation.  Unique tags: Formicophilia, aquatic beastiality,

Post nuclear civilization and politics.  Unique tags: Mutation, (need to work on this one so it lives up to it's name)

Special Education
Following harassment, a student is moved to another class.

Chronicles of a nymphos exploration in formicophilia and Beastiality
A very special girl is bored with people and her surroundings.  After an accident she decides to pursue something truly interesting.


Dark Incarnate - Chapter8 Book1

Dark Incarnate 
By Mr. Black 

Chapter 8
A Dream Within A Dream

"Did he do anything to you?"  Candace was hysterical as she slammed her room door closed.

"No, not at all," Kelly lied.  "I was just trying to buy some time.  And by the way, what the hell happened to you!  Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," she smiled.  "It scared me more than anything.  I thought I was dying.  But I'm no worse for wear."

"You looked like you were dying!"

"heh...," Candace mused a reminiscent laugh.  "He did a number on me, but no more than any of the other creations."

"About this whole thing, I think..."

"Think what?  We've been over this before."  Kelly was surprised by her resolve yet again.

"Are you sure?  Seeing your face while that... that thing..." she was at a lose of words, she could see it in her mind playing over and over, and worse she felt it, but she shook her head the words just wouldn't come out.

"It wasn't much worse than what Dad's done before."

"Can we have our talk now?"  Kelly asked with forceful concern.

Candace was almost broke by her cute pleading eyes, "No, not here.  I think he knows something funny is going on.  He's normally not that sarcastic.  He has no idea what, and I don't want him prying anymore."

"At school tomorrow then?"  Kelly didn't understand why she seemed to protect him.

"Ok.  But you have to promise me you won’t do anything like that again.  He's tricky."

Kelly knew exactly what she meant, but couldn’t say.  Not yet she thought, "What do you mean?"

"Do not be alone with him, ok?  Just always be with me."

"When I made the deal to stay over tonight he made me agree to sleep on the couch, so we wouldn't be up all night."

"What!  Noo... " Candace covered her face with her hands.

"Don't worry I'll be fine, it's you I'm worried about."  If he touched her again she planned to bring every bit of it to light.  If her father taught her anything it was that cockroaches like him hate the light.

"Just tell me what happened in the lab!"

"I've put up with him since I was little.  That's the only way I've handled all those creatures and why I'm not that scared of them now.  They seem to be intent on one thing.  I mean have any of them really hurt us?"

"It sure as hell looked like it hurt you!"

"Yeah but thanks to dear old Dad I've learned to cope with it.  What did you get, a tiny pencil thin snake?"

"I hate to admit but you are right, it didn't even break my virginity.  No worse than your finger anyway..."

"You've never done anything!  Not even played with your hairbrush?"

"Yeah I've never ... done it... unless that snake thing counts.  Wait second, what about a hairbrush?"

"I could kiss you!  Somehow these things know...  I don't know how or why but there’s no other explanation.  I can’t explain it but I just know!"  Kelly shied away, Candace was different.  She was the same girl but knowing her dark secrets gave her pause.

"There's no way, how could I have an assignment for me to draw a snake which just happens to not break me."

"I don't have a clue, but which way did that grub go that first day?"

"It was tiny first remember?  It could have gone after me.  It was probably going for you because you... ya know, you had stuff...  I think that's a bit of stretch."

"It’s like when they attack me, I can feel it.  Like when Dad does his thing, it hurts and he can scare the hell out of me sometimes, but I know he would never go too far.  Besides, you got any better ideas?"  Candace raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, sort of.  Did that Bee do anything other than... I mean did it put anything in you, did it finish?"

"No, Billy said he tackled it before it had a chance, and there wasn't any mess.  Why?"

"Are you sure you don't feel any different and everything's ok?"

"Yes, for god's sake why? your starting to scare me."

"It's just a feeling; every time there is an attack I can almost feel it, but very different than you.  Not the physical stuff but I can feel IT, or them... or something, I don't know.  I just froze or was frozen, I couldn't help you.  It’s like there’s some kind of connection.  Thank god for Billy."

"I never thought I'd hear that!  But what feeling did you get?"

"It's hard to say, I've felt something before but maybe with this creature being more developed… did you see the colors?"

"Yeah I did."  Candace cracked a smile

"You’re such a perve.  How did it get out of that cage?"

"It must have vibrated the pins loose; it's the only thing I can figure."

"Just tell me what you remember, maybe that will help.  It's like I had a picture or an event flash in my head but it's very fuzzy.  I just barely got an outline and I don't know what it means, or if it means anything at all."

"I walked in, everything looked normal and when I turned my back that thing was on me.  It felt like it tried to shove its whole butt in me but it was way too big.  I thought I was dead right there.  I thought it stung me or was going to try and stab me to death with its butt.  But there was a tiny tickle waay down deep inside then I was suddenly full.  I don't know how it happened.  The stinger thing must have grown huge after it was inside.  The next thing I knew its huge thing was poking and prodding around."

"Wow, sounds about right.  I don't know, I just felt the thing wanted to put something inside you.  It wanted something different from all the other creatures but somehow still not quite complete."

"Not complete?  What the hell is the complete version?"

"I don't know, and that's why I don't want to go on with this anymore."

"I know you don't, but I have more faith in you and your ability than anything."  Candace locked eyes for longer than Kelly was comfortable with but it did re-fill her self confidence before she shied away again.

"Even though more horrible things have happened to you in the past few..."

"You don't know what thing's I've lived with all my life."  Kelly felt a profound sadness for her friend.  "Hey don't get that sappy look."  Candace sounded slightly irritated.  "I don't need your pity.  You just don't understand."  She shook her head, "I told you I didn't want to get into this, it's nothing to worry about and your making it a big deal isn’t going to help anything."

"I want to get into this now, your talking all funny and I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!"

Candace walked over to a circular window peering out she saw her dad, "Ok, but just for a second, he's talking to the neighbors being the perfect citizen."

"That bastard..." Kelly squinted her eyes.

"You don't understand... he pays the bills, he pays everything.  If I wanted a horse he'd buy that land behind the house, or have those nice old people carted off so I could have a pasture and barn."

"That doesn't make it right!"

Candace pouted obviously she needed a different approach, "Ok imagine you've grown up learning the color red is actually blue.  So when you see blue you call it red and nobody notices until one day you meet me and I try to tell you otherwise, you wouldn't be able to understand or believe me..."

"But everyone in... most of the modern world says what your dad is doing is wrong, there are laws and jails for people like him."

"No, don't you even go there!" her eyes flared.  "It's not wrong to me; I'm perfectly fine with it.  This is where I'll lose you and I knew it... this is why I didn't want to even try..." her eyes began to tear up.

"Tell me please just tell me, I'll shut-up and listen."

"It's not wrong to me!  Don't you see, this is NORMAL.  Like going to the bathroom or taking out the trash.  I've grown up since before I could remember with this.  I didn't even know people thought it was wrong until school.  He sat me down and explained that most of society hates people like him and if I told he would go away forever.  I don't want him to go away!"

Kelly sat in deep, deep confusion.  Either Candace was in some deep psychosis, or she was.  "But you acted so scared and hurt when..."

"Because I didn't want you to find out!  Because of this conversation!  You have to understand!  They'll take him away and everything else I love."

The tense moment left both girls silent in an unblinking stare.  Kelly just didn't know what to think but she felt hurt.  Candace was so convincing and it only made her feel worse for the girl...

Meanwhile... Billy took his notebook up to the make-shift lab.  He felt so silly and embarrassed recording the time and descriptions.  Who was he?  This whole thing the girls were doing was totally nuts in his opinion.  Not that anybody cared.  This deserved top scientists noting the time with a supersonic earth's core time-watch.  His eyes glazed over thinking of the earths crust spinning making a measurable magnetic force...

He made a new folder and tried to think of a fitting name.  He just skipped that part and moved on and made a new document to copy his notebook onto, also leaving the title blank.  He copied and noted as much as he could remember about each event and a detailed description of each creature in the lab.  Human nature gets the best of everyone he thought, as he left out a few embarrassing details about himself.  How could his tripping over a laundry basket be a big deal anyway?

The giant hornet was probably the most interesting.  The color and size separated it, but it was the next stage.  Who ever heard of a bee coming out of a cocoon either?    Billy really didn't know but it sounded a bit odd.  It was still basically black and white, but in living color.  He'd actually seen hornets just like this, only much smaller.  They were called bald-faced hornets.  It just sat behind the confines of the dog crate motionless, sometimes giving off a faint vibration.  It was more than just, "oh my gosh look honey, a giant bug!" scary like those old movies, it was creepy.  Its large reflective eyes betrayed some deeper intelligence and purpose Billy could only guess at.  Of all the things that cocoon could have turned into why this?  He looked over his shoulder at it again.  The black eyes just stared back.  He wished he wasn't alone, and turned his chair to keep a better eye on it.   

Did the cause of this have some ancient meaning?  All the creatures had been created in black and white by Kelly, but this thing created itself, but in the image of a naturally occurring black and white bee.  What if Kelly painted something or added color?... Jesus... what if she did?  The possibilities scared him worse than the creature in the dog crate.   He really hoped the girls call this quits soon.  Surely after what happened to Candace today...

The phone rang downstairs and Billy jumped up to get it.  The thought that it might not be Kelly never crossed his mind.  

"Hey Billy sorry it took a while, Candace and I got into a bit of a talk, but is everything there ok?"

"Yeah, fine I just came from the lab.  How is Candace?  She seemed surprisingly ok once I got her awake."

"She's a pretty tough girl Billy, she'll be fine."

"Hey, I was making a detailed listing of what's happened, and I was wondering if you could fill in a few blanks?"

"Maybe later, listen things are getting a bit out of control..."

"I was hoping to hear you say that."

"Well go into my room and in the night stand, the one with the lamp, get the little gun out of the drawer."

"Wa-hah-hooo Nuuoo way Hose'," Billy shook his head as if she could see.

"Chill out it's just a little .22 revolver, it's as safe as can be.  In order to shoot it you just point and pull real hard, there's no safety just point and pull hard."

"No way!  Not only do you have neighbors..."

"Billy look, if that thing starts acting crazy would you rather be able to kill it or are you just going to ask it to play nice?"  She took his silence for acceptance.

"What are you doing with a gun anyways?"

"My dad got it for me, but I've got to go we're about to have supper.  Be careful, ok."  Kelly just hung up the phone.

"Ok, you be careful too, I'm glad you're over there where it's safe at least..."  Billy looked at the silent phone confused.  It had gone dormant and he sat it back on the receiver confused. 

Billy walked back upstairs.  His family had always lived on the outskirts of town on a farm.  At least that's what his dad called it.  It was more like a mud-hole than a farm.  But he grew up around guns and knew all about them.  It endeared Kelly to him even more.  Her dad had been a policeman.  He liked the idea that she could protect herself.  He lied to himself again; he had already started thinking of her as his girlfriend even if it wasn't "official".

He started up the stairs he slipped into another dreamy daze just thinking about her.  He should do her laundry for her before it gets any later.  Looking down at the spilt laundry bin he was hit again with just how lucky he was.  It was all beautiful, her dirty clothes all wrinkled and smushed together, all so small, dainty, and cute.  He wanted to curl up and hug the clothes only wishing she was in them.  He bent down to start loading the pile, but didn't want to disturb them.  Her jeans with tiny jewels and faded stripes, tiny white and pink striped socks that looked plush and soft.  He had seen her wear these in class a week before.  He picked up a pair of light pink panties.  They were so small and light, such a tiny piece of fabric that covered her precious body.  Thinking of her wearing them over the smooth curvature and flawless skin stopped his heart.  Something this cute shouldn't be hidden under clothes.  He was intoxicated and crouched like a cave man.  He lifted his hand to his face.  He knew he shouldn't but couldn't stop.  She would be so embarrassed just to be noticed; he wanted to see her all embarrassed.  Her shy face would blush as she unzipped the tiny zipper on her jeans sliding them down revealing these pink panties.  She would flush and turn away shyly... maybe even utter a moan.

He rolled them in his hand savoring the moment.  The gusset was reinforced with an extra white strip making them a bit thicker here.  He knew that's where her perfect pussy rested all day.  He wanted to secretly caress her there, now at her friend’s house.  Secretly as a ghost, rub her little spot, cause her to jump and blush dark red as he made her feel good.  She would try so hard to act normal but wouldn't be able to hide it.  He could even see a little stain from where her pussy juices leaked against the fabric.

Instantly he saw her standing in the kitchen that night and the tiny wet diamond between her legs.  She had been puking in the sink at the time but still she had been wet from him!  He started searching the pile franticly until he found the paper thin tights.  He stretched them wide and found the crotch.  A clear outline of dried creamy dust was clear as day.  She must have not been wearing panties?  Curling his arms up the fabric brushed his face and nose as he wafted in the musky feminine odor.  It was raunchy and pungent, nothing someone would be proud to wear as perfume but it had an affect on him like nothing else.  He wanted to strap the fabric to his face; he couldn’t get enough and took deep breaths of it visualizing her precious body’s nectar filling his lungs.  He had nothing to compare it to.  Without a thought or hesitation he opened his mouth and began to suck on the fabric.  He wanted her, every part of her, and without reservation.  He remembered her face looking up at him as she her tongue slid along the bottom of his penis.  He wanted her so bad, more than anything else in his world.

He shook out of it and fluffed the pants returning their shape.  They were so small like a child's.  But she wasn't a child at all.  She was ripe, he felt dirty at the thought but he wanted to roll in that vulgar thought like a pig.  She was ready, fertile, and wanting.  He saw her damp crotch and thought of a tiny pink flower beginning to open.  She was fresh like just a budding flower seeing its first light with the morning glory.  Her beauty had never seen the long hot day or dusty harsh wind.  She was perfect.

He started rubbing his long cock that ran down his shorts.  He wanted if only once, just once to bury his cock in her tiny body, to see her face cry out in pain and pleasure.  His penis was out and he choked it turning the head dark purple with an angry strength.  His right hand gripping her panties tight, he maneuvered them over his cock.  Pushing the thin soft fabric against his straining erection, he started to jack off with the panties.  Imagining being inside her was heavenly.  He was so close but so far away.  His own precum soaked the dried dusty cream into his skin.  He wanted to cum.  He threw his head back.  He wanted to see his cum drip out of her defiled body and soak into these panties as she wore them.

Seeing her disappointed face, he stopped.  She had been so bothered by what he did before.  How had he been so stupid?  He relaxed trying not to make another mistake.  This was wrong, all wrong, he felt too strongly for her.  A wave of sadness washed over him as he somehow knew that he, Billy Mason, was never supposed to succeed.  Ever.

His balls ached for release and he started to feel numb pain.  He pulled them out to swing freely.  A dark intent filled his weak mind as he looked down.  He looked more like a stray animal than human, pubic hair ran half way up his cock like a rats nest and over his scrotum.  "I'm sorry guys, we'll have to be strategic now." whispering to himself like some cave creature.  He shoved his dick back into the shorts scraping against the hard denim.

He tried to focus on the task ahead.  His home didn't have a washer so the whole process of laundry was confusing and alien to him, but after a few google searches he got back on track.  Overall he did a pretty good job.  It was a quarter past two in the morning when he finished.  He should have been sleeping but how could he when he had a job to do for the love of his life.  He folded each and every item on her bed and searched for the correct place to put them up.

He didn't sleep on her bed that was too sacred.  He tried to sleep on the couch but he knew and refused dreams that would be a disappointment from the waking world where Kelly walked.

Kelly was also having trouble sleeping on a couch some miles away.  Problems with no solutions on top of more problems plagued her sleepy consciousness.  It was easy to see the dark path into apathy and just not care.  Candace was a big girl and should be able to make decisions for herself.  But was Candace herself?  Or was she her father's creation?  Each question seemed ever more complicated than the first.  If she were to be selfish and just not care then it left her with an even bigger question, what did she want?   She thought about that fateful day and saw the forest leaves again.  They were already disturbed now in a slight swirl ready for her to curl up in like a cat.  She drew closer in her mind slipping off to sleep.  They looked comfy and relaxing, an end, an easy answer.  It was dark out, but a few close trees were sheltering and would provide company.  A swirl of her ghostly body filled the basin of leaves like dense fog. 

One last effort to remember and she turned her eyes up from her forest comfort, and the darkness had taken on a new form.  The shadows spread and joined hands blanketing her dream beyond her trees and cozy bed.  The trees started to look like bars and her heart quickened.  No more of a solid shape than her own mind and self-image, she felt the dark and blackness take form.  Evil and corrupted, it wanted her, needed her chased her.  It spoke like thunder, hard to understand, but unmistakable in meaning.  Iit shook her consciousness; it wanted her to do something before it would let her rest.  She knew if she did this it would let her rest.  She was so tired.

"Kelly... Honey wake up..."


"I want to talk to you about something."

"No.. I was so..."

"It will be time to get up soon, just a chat then you can go back to sleep."  Kelly looked up at the voice and her blurry vision cleared into Tom Chambers face.

She didn't know exactly what to think.  His arm circled her back carefully helping her up.  At first she felt an impulse to follow because he was the adult.  Then she heard Candace's voice telling her not to.  The clear feeling of the strange darkness was still in her mind.  Tom smiled down at her as she continued to come around following him weakly.

Kelly felt the darkness in Tom, but a different kind, sort of Tom's own darkness with its own purpose.  She could fight him and refuse, but what if she could help Candace?  Her father had always told her the right path, the righteous path, was the one she should always follow.  What could this man do?  Threaten her?  If he touched her again it would be the last thing he did as a free man!  She just had to make him understand that it was over.

"I guess if you'll make breakfast soon."  She took Tom's hand as he led her off of the couch.  Her face was red with pillow lines and wrinkled pajamas as she followed the pulling hand.

"I'm sorry to get you up so early, but I can't sleep sometimes, and I was in the kitchen and heard you.  Sounded like a bad dream?"

"It was." Complacently holding his hand she followed up the stairs past Candace's room to the far end of the hall where a thin wooden set of stairs lead up.

"It's ok, don't be scared, I had a beautiful balcony built up here.  Tell me about your dream."

"I actually could use a talk right now."

"What's on your mind Hon'?"

"How do you know the difference between right and wrong?"

"Whelp, that's a good question, one of those things everybody has to ask themselves sooner or later.  It's not an easy one, or even one I can answer for you, but I can try to help."

"And what's your advice?"  They arrived at a door above the stairs and went out into the fresh warm night air.

"Have a seat," Tom sat across from here in a very non-threatening way.  "Sometimes you have to just pull out your magic ball and look into the future.  Think about your troubles, and then ask yourself which path leads to good things, and which leads to bad things and often more trouble."

Kelly could see how the bars of Candice's prison were constructed.  "My dad used to say that normally the right path was the hard one, the one you didn't want to go down."

"That doesn't make much sense to me!  What does your father do?"

"He was the Sheriff here."

"Oh, uh well it sounds like he must have a pretty good sense about him."  Mr. Chambers played dumb he knew her father, and that he was dead.  "But where is he now?"

"He died..."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but you see life is random sometimes.  Things don't have meaning if there is some great plan or meaning to all of this then what's the point in living?  Fate is a prison.  YOU have to do the best for YOU.  Maybe if your father wasn't so worried about righting other people's wrongs he would still be alive and with you."

"I don't think going down the easy path is right in the long run though." The dream was still fresh in her mind still.  She saw his eyes burn and linger on her in dim light.

"History doesn't judge diplomacy and compromise when it leads to peace as tool of the losers does it?"

"That is completely different."

"You really need a father, how long has it been; All alone for you?  You miss him and need someone don't you?"

"I'm fine!"

"Yes, it appears that way.  You should be happy to have Candace as a friend.  She can teach you alot, but there is no substitute for a good father figure."  An evil grin slowly spread as he cut his eyes at the girl.

"I think we're talking about two different things.  What you call a father I call a selfish manipulating pervert robbing his own daughter of a life she will never be able to live!"  Kelly jumped up ready to spring for the door.  He was evil.  She saw how his personal darkness shrouded the caring guise.  "I wont let you do this to her!"  Kelly’s tone of voice was a little too harsh and loud for Tom's comfort.

She turned to run away, not thinking of where, but just away.  The door handle jiggled, locked.  Kelly took a deep breath to scream as Tom pounced like a lion.  He was on her before she could make a sound.  Shoving his arm into the back of her neck and smashing her face against the door.

He grabbed a healthy handful of hair at the base of her neck and wrenched her head back breathing heavy in her ear.  "Let me show you the ways of the world little girl... This is what Candace knows.  She keeps her mouth shut while I be nice and buy her things, or I fucking kill her!  See honey, I make more money from two days in surgery than the new piss ant Sheriff does in a year.  You’re going to stay quiet or I'll have this bullshit story of yours called slander and get you'll be the one in jail.  And when things get quiet I'm going to have you disappeared.  Cunt's like you disappear all the time."  The adrenaline surging though his veins made his prick stand like granite rock.

Kelly learned what real fear was.  Grinding his teeth and hissing instead of breathing she felt his spear-like manhood brush across her bottom as he moved.  "Now, are we clear or am I going to have to teach you a lesson?"  Kelly whimpered and started to cry as he poked his manhook at her bottom for emphasis, and he let her shrink to the floor.

He walked over to the door and flipped a simple latch looking back over his shoulder.  Now you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, alright?"  Tom walked out leaving her trembling on the door.

She slowly got up shaken but unharmed and went back to the couch wondering which agency would best handle Tom.

Thirty minutes later Candace jingled down the stairs to get her up.  She had been worried that her dad might come for her in the night.  She really wasn't up for it, and worst of all he would have noticed that Candace had been used by another lover.  Not to mention she did feel a little funny after the last attack.  She had played it off to Kelly as nothing, but this morning something her nethers didn't feel quite right.  She wanted to take a day or two off from all the extra activities. 

Candace dressed her in some old jeans that she had grown out of a year ago.  Kelly never let on that anything had happened during the night.  It was hard for her not to space out boiling with anger.  There was a brief encounter on their way out, but Candace was an expert at leaving her house quickly.

In exchange for letting her father use her, Candace had the dream life, but she obviously didn't enjoy it.  He had made a habit lately of catching her at the worst times.  She had been so annoyed by him lately, and it only aroused Tom more.  She had to get Kelly away before he pushed the limits in front of her.  It would be just like him to sneak up and take her while Kelly was around the corner.  At least, Candace thought, he seemed to know that Kelly was off limits.

Candace started to get a slippery wet feeling soaking into her panties thinking about Kelly.  It was more than her body; it was her attitude and temperament.  Kelly would never do anything like her father.  She was so shy and quiet all the time, but once she opened up, Kelly would just gush with this cute intelligent voice and it was hard to get her to stop.  She knew Kelly would never be pushy or demanding.  As her own body cranked up, Candace found it hard not to make Kelly uncomfortable with the occasional advance.  Sitting closer on the bus and resting her hand on Kelly's thigh, little things.  Their chatter on the bus was a little quieter than normal.  She knew something was wrong with Kelly.  Maybe it was the little things; little things her father used to do.  She shuddered at the thought, and put it at the back of her mind.

Candace was a little extra happy, "What do you think we're going to do in Mrs. Francis's class?"

"I think today she is supposed to start a depth and perception chapter or something."

Candace cocked her head not really sure if that was a good or bad thing, "What's that?"

"You'll see but we'll probably just be doing shapes and outlines maybe an apple or something."

"You’re not worried are you?"

"Naw, I think I can feel it now, the thing, it's more like a darkness or a dark thing with no shape.  It's hard to explain.  It needs a shape."

"You looked worried." 

Kelly had been staring out the window watching the road roll by without even looking at Candace.  She finally she saw her friends concern.  "Oh, sorry I'm just worried about what all this means.  It wants something...needs it."

This Is a Work of Fiction
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.